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Can Social Media boost Your Account Based Marketing Strategies for the Hyper Targeted Marketing?

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How can social media marketing empower a marketing strategy?

In this competitive landscape of digital marketing, the combination of Account Based Marketing and Social media marketing has become a powerful strategy for business to achieve hype-targeted marketing. It reshapes the landscape of Business-to-business Marketing where you can connect with your decision-makers and lead accounts that engage with your content. You can engage your target audience directly according to your customer’s pain points, interests, and needs. For mass popularization, you need to focus on quality over quantity. Here, you will explore how Social Media and Account Based Marketing come together for Hyper-Targeted Marketing.

Why are social media good for targeted marketing?

Many companies merge their approaches to focus on high valued accounts and engage them through varoius Social Media platforms to increase the Return of investment and customer relationship.

According to some Industry experts like BS Group, around 75% of marketers stay ahead with such companies for the higher engagement rate when there is a synchrnization between Social Media Marketing and Account Based Marketing.

But do you know the importance of Account Based Marketing and Social Media Synergy and how it increases the business? Yes, you can reach your goals by synergizing Account Based Marketing with different platforms of social media. Let’s check some platforms for hyper-targeted Marketing.

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1. Account Based Marketing with Facebook

 For hyper-targeting, Facebook uses pretty good and well-established marketing functionalities like events and calendar functions. You should have your target’s contact information like addresses, phone numbers, and emails to hyper-target. Facebook creates a custom audience list when we upload the collected list and based on this list you can target people by creating a lookalike audience.

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2. Account Based Marketing with Google Ads:

 You can target people if you have their contact information or emails. Prepare a data file and upload the collected information to the Audience Manager. After uploading Google finds the matches in its records like phone numbers, emails, addresses, names, etc. Now you have different options to target and create your campaigns. With customer matches you can create a similar audience and target your people to expand your reach of your brand globally.

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3. Account Based Marketing with LinkedIn:

 The first platform to provide strong Account Based Marketing targeting capabilities is LinkedIn. It not only targets people but also companies and industries. To target your companies, all you need to do is prepare a list of them and upload them to LinkedIn and the campaign manager and then they create an audience based on your company’s list. Use LinkedIn advertising options to communicate with your account through messages for highly targeted.  

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4. Account Based Marketing with Instagram

Everyone has Instagram accounts nowadays. The best and easiest way to engage your audience for the awareness of your brand to your target leads or audience, you create content that can engage people according to their needs, preferences, and pain points. For Hyper-Targeted Marketing, first, identify your decision-makers and target accounts. Then create personalized and relevant content videos, blog posts, Instagram hashtags and infographics, and other types of content that will be purposeful to your target audience.

Account Based Marketing with Twitter:

5. Account Based Marketing with Twitter:

Twitter is one of the social media platforms that engage and target accounts to find and connect with potential customers. All you need to do is first, identify your target accounts that represent your social customers and then engage with target accounts through retweeting, commenting, and sending them direct messages. You can answer their questions, provide valuable content, offering them promotions or special deals that convert your leads into paying customers. To nurture leads by using Twitter, you can engage with target accounts and build relationships with potential customers to drive success for Hyper-Targeted Marketing.

Many of us don’t know how to manage with all the above approaches. Don’t worry, BS Group is here. In BS Group, we are offering a Free Brand Consultation to support your success. Get in touch with us today itself to schedule your free brand audit.

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